Lisa Deupree’s photographs take us on a treasure hunt- encouraging us to pause and notice the simple beauty she finds in even the smallest things. Filtered through her eyes, lens, and her heart, we are reminded to still ourselves to see these gifts and hold them quietly, as if they were our own secret trinkets.


click on an image to take a stroll down the path…

The Offering

The Offering

Torn But Not Broken

Torn But Not Broken

“One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.”—Robert Frost

“One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.”—Robert Frost

“Are ye the ghosts of fallen leaves, O flakes of snow, For which, through naked trees, the winds A-mourning go?” ― John Banister Tabb

“Are ye the ghosts of fallen leaves, O flakes of snow, For which, through naked trees, the winds A-mourning go?” ― John Banister Tabb


Two Feet Deep

Two Feet Deep

Big Foot

Big Foot